How to Get Good Grades

How to Get Good Grades

In your university or college, you have seen your colleagues having a lot of A’s as grades than B’s and wondered how that happens. You have probably seen those having a lot of E’s and D’s too and asked yourself how on earth can someone register such poor grades? Well, the reality is that the two scenarios happen. Ideally, many would prefer to have the former than the latter. How to get good grades at school is not so difficult if you employ the right tricks and ideas. The A’s student can be you. You can improve your grades from the extreme negative to the positive.

Here are a number of helpful tricks that can be used to upgrade the grades:

Getting Ready for Class

Have you ever heard of a saying that a stitch in time saves nine? Students who want to post great grades must read well in advance before they attend the classes. This means they have to read the assignment way before the lecture. When one is mentally prepared, then they are likely to ask constructive and quality questions which in the long run will Impact their grades positively. Also, one is able to get quality questions from the books or the materials he or she has read in advance. You will also realize that exam questions come from books and other academic sources and being conversant with them well in advance will greatly improve your grades.

Making Frequent Visits to the Lecturers or Professors Office

Being a regular visitor of course purposefully to the professor’s office will help you a great deal. You not only get an opportunity to ask questions on how to get good grades at university but you actually get explanations on the topics that you don’t understand. The interaction with great minds will not only be inspirational but will also challenge you to work harder towards getting the grades you want. A visit to the professor’s office will also equip you with the knowledge of what is important for the course and not just what you think.

The role of the professors is to help their student gain knowledge and relevant information for the course they are undertaking and therefore you should not be afraid to pay visits. In essence, students who interact well with their professors have excelled in their exams and scored great results.

Joining the Study Groups

Given that we have different strengths, when we share such strengths then we are likely to perform better. If you want to know how to get good grades in school then you must be ready to work with others. Study groups normally have a common purpose which is to improve the individual grades. You will find new information from other members and better explanations to some of the subjects that you may not be good at. Take full advantage of the groups to enrich yourself with what they know which is relevant to your subject and you will really improve on your grades.

Most assignments are given to students who are grouped together. The purpose of the group is to enhance teamwork and to make sure that student’s carryout research together; every member of the group should contribute towards the final document through discussions and active participation. Do not fail to contribute to the success of your team and to the task you have been given because this is one of the ways on how to get good grades at university.

Changing Your Attitude toward the Lecture

Sticking with the thought that a certain subject or topic is boring and not good for you will do more harm than good to your grades. If your intention and your goal are really to improve your grades then there is no any other short cut but to have a positive attitude and try your best to like the subject and even those who teach such subjects. There is no magic other than to turn around your attitude and like the subject because this will help you to ask questions that improve your thinking.

Positive thoughts and attitude are great contributors to enthusiasm. How to get good grades in school has been made possible by those who believe they can and adopted a daring attitude which promotes reading. Additionally, learning is made possible and interesting when you develop some love for the materials.

Why Bother to Have Good Grades Anyway?

The university is a higher learning institution where grades are given to students who merit them; basically, these are the indicators of successful reading and research by the students. How to get good grades and not study is not applicable at this level give that students must demonstrate their capability and willingness to go an extra mile just to succeed. The university prepares a student for future employment opportunities that do not take in the lazy or poor performers. In the past, a student must have wondered how to get good grades at a level and went ahead to do something about it that eventually enabled them to join the university. The same realization should not be forgotten in the university.

Students must put more effort and appreciate the rigorous learning process that is associated with higher learning institutions. Unlike high school whereby you will be given ready notes to read, professors in university give a lot of assignments instead. Worse yet, you are only provided with little information and told to find the rest by yourself. The students who have mastered how to get good grades at university do not take this for offense but appreciates the fact that they have a role to play.

How to Get Good Grades in School

Provided below are additional tips on how to get good grades in university:

Stop Wasting Time!

Whenever you are given an assignment, never wait for a reminder from the professor that it is time to do it. Always remember to start almost immediately; this will drive away the panic in you and give you ample time to revise the assignment so well. If you are still thinking about how to get good grades in school then this is what those students who perform so well do. Students experience burn out due to the fact that they wait up to the last minute to commence their assignments. This should not be the case for those who appreciate the importance of good grades. Remember that is it practical to claim that you know how to get good grades and not study. Studying begins with the timely completion of the assignments and submission. Unless you want you a professor to have a negative attitude towards you as a lazy student, you should try not to complete your tasks on time.

Understanding the Subject or the Topic

In the university, professors issue course outlines in time for the students to have prior information on what they will be studying during the term. This means that they are put in apposition that they can understand certain concepts in advance and ask questions that are related to the topic. Reading the course outline is the key to getting acquainted with the demands of your professor and also the tasks that you will be expected to carry out during the course of the study.

Prior reviewing of the outline in addition to getting the right materials as outlined is the key to great performance and the definite path that leads to your academic destination. How to get good grades at university is as easy as understanding the lessons you will learn as outlined and trying to understand them well in advance even before the actual classes begin.

Being a Flexible Reader

Reading requires some flexibility in terms of sources; most of the times, you will extract your useful information from the internet. You must, however, be ready to read books and other sources such as the journals and even watch films that are relevant in your area of study because this is how to get good grades at school. Flexible readers will find all relevant sources interesting and will always find some important notes to make out of such sources. It does not matter where you get the information as long as the source is academically proven to be reliable and credible. Also, reading new sources provides you with information that may change your position on a given topic. You will get various views and coalesce them to improve your knowledge hence improve your grades.

Practicing Good Oral Presentation

The university task is far much more different from the high school tasks; here you will be required to present your research papers before the rest of your classmates and even defend it; you will be asked questions which of course you will be expected to answer. The professor will award you some score based on your presentation skills, and this is why oral presentation is also paramount. Basically, this means that you will have to do good research, read well in advance and build your arguments logically so that you can convince the professor and your colleagues. Again, you need to remember that there is a great connection between reading and presentation. How to get good grades and not study as you realize will not be attainable especially when you are orally presenting your assignments, therefore, you need to work on your oratory skills.

  • While doing a presentation, it is also important to ask oneself why the presentation would be so important for the professors. This normally is a way of testing if a student really understood the question asked or the task assigned. Remember that research done by one is almost a guarantee that the particular student went through several materials and read to understand the subject. Never take the presentations lightly.
  • Relating the points to real-life scenarios: A greater way to remember the most important points and present them orally is to relate the example you have read to real-life situations. Associating certain points to what happens in our lives might be the best answer to improving our grades because forever the points will stick in our mind and we will remember them during our exams. Use of graphs and graphical representations is another way of improving our memory on certain Try to picture your points; especially the major ones that you don’t want to forget. You will never get it wrong by trying out this because good students have practiced it as a way of how to get good grades at a level and even at the university.
  • Exude Confidence and never shy from brainstorming: This is another critical opportunity to discuss with your peers. Confident people will not shy away from stating their problem and acknowledging that they need help in some areas that they don’t understand. Do not be afraid to be challenged or to say I don’t know what that means. This should be to your peers and even the professors. Not knowing means you want to learn. The best approach and probably an easy way of getting help are by acknowledging your weakness or your deficiency. How to get good grades in school is not only a statement but encouragement that with self-awareness and asking for help, a student can greatly improve on their grades and register remarkably good grades.


At every level of one’s education, registering good grades remains to be the ultimate goal. Many students are however faced with the challenge of how to get good grades and not study. The impossible aspect of that challenge is the part that supposedly suggests that success is possible without hard work. The student must engage in research, they must read, they must ask relevant questions, and they must accomplish their assignments on time to post better grades. How to get good grades at university demands a lot from the student, and they must appreciate that at the university individual effort counts. Additionally appreciating how to get good grades at a level contributes to better grades at the university level.