Expert Tips on How to Write a Term Paper

Expert Tips on How to Write a Term Paper

An Introductory Lesson on How to Write a Term Paper

Writing is a commonly used method of communication and assessment in colleges. Professors do use term papers to further test students’ knowledge by tasking them to carry out research on a topic. Term papers vary in complexity but still how to write a term paper is a widespread educational problem many students face due to various reasons. An instance here is, individual students lack proper grounding in writing as a mode of communication. Such individuals are likely to meet a real challenge in writing a term paper. Others do not just have time to write while some students would only be lazy.

We are in no way saying that how to write a term paper is an easy-cheesy task that by a snap of a finger, it would be wonderfully done. No! In point of fact, writing one requires skills and dedication, as this essay will show. However, nothing is rocket science. When in possession of necessary transcribing skills besides knowledge around how to write a term paper outline, an individual student will excel whenever they come across such assignment.

What is a term paper? Learners over an academic semester might be required to transcribe a study paper. The assignment would then constitute a massive part of a grade. In the real sense, such a requirement would be referred to as a term paper. They usually test originality in the discussion of a topic and knowledge of a theory, concept, or an event. Term papers are in most cases lengthy, well-formatted in typed pages and are submitted when the semester is coming to an end.

Lesson One on How to Write a Term Paper Outline

When an individual knows how to write a term paper outline or structure, then they are several steps on the path to developing an outstanding semester paper. A framework of a term paper is the layout or skeleton which requires to be filled with detailed thoughts and well-framed ideas. Therefore, knowing how to write a term paper outline is an advantageous starter.

Term paper outlines are typical of an extended essay, thesis, or proposal writing. It assumes a shape of any complete academic text while also providing a compass for the student during the process of writing. The plan provides the student with a rough sketch of where each point of discussion will be placed. Knowledge on how to write a term paper outline ensures one focuses on the central points of the paper.

Tutors or professors vary in their requirements of term paper outlines. Some at the beginning of the term may highlight to their students what they expect a term paper to look like. In this case, learners should stick to their teacher’s instructions to avoid being penalized and dropping unnecessary points. Some may work with the learners on how to write a term paper outline — asking learners to first develop their frameworks before assisting them where necessary to improve.

A typical term paper outline assumes the below layout;


How to write a term paper introduction is not different from that of writing a thesis or research paper. An introduction is the opening section that gives a reader insight into what the term paper is all about. Its purpose is to briefly discuss the topic and what to be contained in the document. What makes a remarkable term paper introduction?

  • A great opening statement; an opening statement is the first line about the topic. It ought to be incredible “to keep the reader at the edge of the seat.” A notable opening line should inform the reader about what the paper will discuss in a way that draws their interest.
  • Highlight of an exciting fact to make the one reading have an impression that the student is knowledgeable.
  • Appeal to the reader’s emotion by asking an interesting question or using humor.
  • Introduction of a term paper contains a thesis statement – which is the student’s position about the topic. It is this opinion about the topic that will be later in discussed or supported by evidence in the body of the writing. Therefore, stating your position regarding the topic at the beginning of the writing is an open secret on how to write a term paper introduction in a good


Term paper’s body is the section where detailed discussion of main points and ideas happen. The extent of research and knowledge of the student is tested in this section. It has most pages and content. The body section, in best cases, contains titles and sub-headings all interlinked with the topic. Significant work is done in this section. This part is also where the assessor will award most marks.


The final part is the conclusion – which is the section which summarizes the points discussed throughout the term paper. It provides the person who reads with a chance to relate the thesis statement in the beginning and the key ideas in the body of the text. It amounts to the key matters discussed or raised in the write-up.

Term Paper Proposal

Drafting a term paper is not same as how to write a term proposal. A proposal primarily signifies an intention of the paper one is planning to write. A term paper proposal seeks to present a detailed explanation of the paper and the working title. The student presents it to his or her teacher to give corrections before the final term paper.

In order for one to get it right on how to write a term paper proposal, the highlighted structure below ought to be considered;

  1. Topic: Student should choose a topic of interest which is relevant to their field of study
  2. Background: Has a description of the topic and thesis statement
  3. Problem statement: Comprises the issues or questions to be addressed by the term paper
  4. Literature review: Are there previously related studies that will assist the student in coming up with an approach to the investigation of the critical issues.
  5. Methodology: What methods will be used in the investigation and collection of data.
  6. Findings: Captures how issues raised in the problem statement will be captured.
  7. Conclusion: Is a summary of findings and that of the entire paper
  8. Recommendations: Thoughts about issues raised and about a future study on the topic
  9. Reference: Contains a list of sources of information.

The determination of writing a term paper proposal, as presented by the student, is that the professor or instructor is able to get an overview of what to expect from the actual paper. It is also an opportunity for the learner to get feedback that will help them write well their term paper.

Always remember doing enough preparation is the main deal with how to write an term paper proposal mostly so because a good proposal will get the student commencing working on the draft of the eventual term paper.

Choosing a topic for the term paper proposal is not simple. The student needs to explain why their topic is significant and what contribution to knowledge and to practice their term paper will make. Thereafter, the title of the paper is developed. For example, if the topic of the term paper is on politics, the title of a term paper proposal would be;

“The impact of Presidential elections on democracy: A case of America 2016”

How to Write a Term Paper Format

The format is compulsory in how to write a term paper for college. It indicates the style used by the student. The commonly used formats or styles of writing term papers are; American Psychology Association (APA) and MLA.

How to write a term paper format depends on the course, department, or instruction from the lecturer. For instance, students of Psychology, Sociology or Political Science in college always use an APA format. Below is how to write a term paper in APA format;

  • The paper should be typed in A4 white paper with an 8.5” x 11.”
  • Font type and size to be used are 12pts Times New Roman
  • Double spacing
  • Margins of 1” on all sides
  • Paragraph indention of ½ inch.

The first-page header should be created, numbered and in capital running head. Inclusion of the above points will guide a learner on how to write a term paper in APA format.

Writing a term paper is more general when contrasted with how to write a term paper on a book. Here is how to write a term paper on a book;

  1. Purpose: An individual should state, as accurately as possible, what the author of the book intended, or what the author sought to accomplish.
  2. Concepts: what are the most central ideas that one would have to know to understand the argument or reasoning presented in the book? One should briefly expound on what these ideas mean.
  3. Assumptions: What assumptions are presented in the book?
  4. Most important information: what are the key information used in the book? What are the facts or data used to support the findings or results of the book?
  5. Inferences: The learner should identify key conclusions presented in the book
  6. Point of view: Here, the student should apply elements of reasoning to think through matters brought forward in the book.

These are among what one has to factor in how to write a term paper on a book. There is no shortcut; the term paper writer has to read through the book and understand it well before embarking on the exercise.


Therefore, a term paper in meaning refers to a task of inquiry about a topic to be handed over as a school term is approaching a conclusion. A term paper proposal is a guide to how to write a term paper for college or academia. It has no particular length, and sometimes an educator may instruct learners about how to arrive at one. Professors will also give instructions on what format to use. Otherwise, format varies from course to course, and a student should be informed from the start of their course what format they are expected to use in all their writing assignments.

Overall structures of most thesis or essays resemble that of a term paper. The structure has an introduction, body, and conclusion. The onus is on the student to know what information to put in which section. If not, then a proposal and an outline come handy.

Every college student comes across a task testing their knowledge on how to write an term paper. It is never an easy task, but the above discussion has taken us through the processes of developing an outstanding term paper. Writing a term paper for college will test your knowledge and understanding of a topic. Never forget that your performance in this exercise will affect your overall grade at the close of the term. So it is a prerequisite to put much time, thought, and planning into this.


Your term paper proposal offers insight into what the ultimate paper will look like. Choose your topic prudently and put the title. The area of focus ought to be researchable and relevant to what you are learning. Introduce your write-up in a way likely to keep the reader interested.

  • Originate an outline of the term paper. It helps in planning time, establishing order, and knowing what to take account of in the write-up.
  • Set aside enough time to research and work on your assignment. Your final grade on the subject is dependent on it. Be sure to work within the time limit and consult your professor or instructor if you are unlikely to submit the paper on time.
  • Make sure your term paper is coherent and well researched. Write in a formal language and be objective.
  • Proofread and edit your work. It will enable you to identify mistakes which were made during the drafting stage. This is also an opportunity to verify whether the term paper format and style has been adhered to.
  • List your references in the format of your term paper altogether. Every source of information should be captured. Poor citation and referencing will land you into an ethical problem such as plagiarism.